You do not need to
know Amazon inside out to succeed...
...when you partner up with me.
Nice to meet you! I am Lisett Lees and
as an experienced Amazon FBA Expert
and Strategist I am here to help you to
make clients choose your products over
competition and be on top of the Amazon
You do not need to know Amazon inside out to succeed...
...said 1% of the successful sellers. You're among the other 99%? Nice to meet you! I am Lisett Lees and as an experienced Strategic Partner I am here to help you boost your business's efficiency!
Lisett Lees
Strategic Partner for FBA businesses
Past 7 years have shaped me into a strategic partner while working daily in Seller Central with different fulfilment by Amazon businesses managing tasks related to customer relations, store and team management.

My professional values: strategic thinking, creative problem solving and value oriented service providing with the goal of helping FBA businesses run their daily operations cost- and time-efficiently, keeping their focus on the most important tasks that elevates their business.

When not working, I like to explore my home country Estonia, rest my mind while fishing or travel. I love capturing memorable moments on camera and I am waiting for the day I will print actual photos not just collect Gigabytes on my hard drive.
Video Host
I am a video host on Orange Klik Youtube channel helping to connect Amazon private label sellers with leading industry experts through interviews and webinars.
My experiences
FBA related skills and beyond
Over the past years I've worked with clients selling in different categories and all kinds of products. Sports & outdoors, kitchen, kids, home, clothing, electronics, food, - just to name a few.

I have dealt with issues related to quality, patents, pesticides, hijackers, and restricted listings; also repeatedly turned dissatisfied buyers into pleased customers leaving 5 star reviews.
  • Coming from Northern Europe (Estonia) gives businesses the advantage to cooperate in well spoken english (or native for locals) saving time and effort in communication.
  • High quality direct sales training with intensive practice period in the US; experience in B2B sales; degree and work in international relations; assistance in marketing and branding.
  • Traveling and living in the USA, Germany and Spain has given me a good understanding of different consumer behaviours.
  • Passionate interest in photo- and videography, different marketing trends and overall business improvement.
Enough about me, let's focus on you!
Sounds familiar?
Find out how investing in a strategic partner can help to set priorities and get ahold of your FBA business!